Spro Freestyle Squid Bullet
- Available in different colors
- Weight: 10g
- Number of pieces: 2
- Very tempting spinning action
- Spin slowly when sinking
- Spin fast on retrieval
- Easy to rig
- Includes 2 beads of 6mm
- Extra attraction and click sound
Freestyle’s Squid Bullets have a very enticing spinning action underwater. The shape makes them spin slowly when sinking and faster when retrieving. They can be easily rigged with different mountings to increase attraction and pressure waves. Each package of Squid Bullets also includes two 6mm glass beads that provide additional attraction with a clicking sound every time the rod tip moves. Squid Bullets are available in two eye-catching colors to match most colors of softbaits. The Squid Bullets also work well with natural baits.
Blue Disco
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